$FUCKMUSK — Fight the Dicktator

4 min readMay 20, 2021

So you just got liquidated? NO? Lucky you. If you’re in crypto, we’re sure as hell you’re way poorer now than you were 24 hours ago. A perfect example from my old friend Zuckburger.

Over 700,000 accounts were liquidated to what will be known as the Black Wednesday Crash of May 2021. This resulted in over 8 Billion dollars of liquidation. I don’t know about you but that’s a fucking big amount. This is the highest single day liquidation in history. And behind all of this is one person and we all know who it is right?

This led to the cascades that pushed Bitcoin off the cliff hitting as low as 28k in some exchanges. This is a 55% drawdown from peak to bottom. It’s like have two balls one day, and suddenly waking up with only one left. That’s how bad 50% drops are!

And if this wasn’t bad enough, at the bottom he sends out a tweet. Talk about rubbing salt into the wounds.

As an experienced team of devs, this prompted us to say, enough is enough. We’re sick and tired of the blatant manipulation being done by Elon. One option is to go to the SEC and cry over it. Get buried in tons of paper work trying to fight off the richest man on earth. But that doesn’t sound fun so we’ve decided to make a stand and rub it where it hurts.

Introducing $FUCKMUSK

FUCKMUSK is the token of the people and for the peoplewho are tired of Elon’s shit. It’s the token for those that got poorer because of Elon’s tweets and blatant market manipulation.

Yes we do the burn and the LP part. 40% goes to 0x00…00dead wallet and the other 40% goes to liquidity. I know these are boring but these are important so we gotta do it still. 5% goes to the team, because it’s a fucking genius idea.

Update: We got so fucking pissed we decided to burn the team’s 5% too!!!

That leaves us with 15%. Where does the 15% go you ask? That’s the fun part. 15% of the tokens will be used to go to Elon and tell him to fuck himself. It will be used to put a massive short on $TSLA right when it hurts. We’re thinking right at an inflection point. We’re gonna fucking dump the resistance so that TSLA is nothing more than a bursted bubble.

Profits of this massive short on TSLA will be used to buyback FUCKMUSK tokens. This will increase the price and give early FUCKMUSK supporters good gains. Coz in the end, we gotta profit and not just yap all day about hating on musk right?

To keep the community self sufficient so we can keep fucking over elon musk for decades to come even when he’s already in mars, there will be a 10% transaction fee. 3% will be sent to all holders, 3% will be sent and locked in the liquidity pool, and the 4% will be used to short more TSLA.

Is this a fucking cool idea or what? I don’t know but it sure as hell is smart. Remember Michael Burry from the Big Short aka drummer Christian Bale? He revealed a half a BILLION dollar bet against TSLA. So yeah, we’re in good company. I guess he’s as sick and tired as all of us are.


Official Fucking Links:

Telegram: https://t.me/fuck_musk
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FuckMuskSocial
Pancakeswap: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x29c182e9d6bcda4f7331a903defa025e7b416964

